“Today Is The Tomorrow You Worried About Yesterday”
Dale Carnegie, Writer
We know that true beauty radiates from within. That’s why we believe that taking care of your skin isn’t just about looking good, it’s about feeling good too. Our motto, “Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday,” reflects our commitment to helping you feel confident and beautiful in your own skin, today and every day.
Our brand is centered on the belief that everyone deserves a break from their busy lives. That’s why we encourage you to take just 15 minutes every day to care for your skin and remind yourself that you deserve to feel pampered and loved. We are here to support you on this journey towards true beauty and wellness, just like the moon that never sleeps to subtly accompany you through life.
Most importantly, at Halto Major, we strongly believe that skincare should be inclusive and not limited to any specific gender. We are dedicated to promoting our brand as gender-fluid, ensuring that our products are suitable for everyone, regardless of their gender identity.
By embracing a gender-fluid approach, we aim to create an inclusive space where individuals from all backgrounds and gender identities feel welcome and comfortable using our skincare products. We recognize that everyone’s skin deserves care and attention, irrespective of gender norms or societal expectations.
Our commitment to being a gender-fluid brand goes beyond marketing; it is ingrained in our core values and product development process. We strive to create formulations that address various skin concerns and cater to diverse skin types, embracing the unique needs of each individual.
Halto Major aims to foster a community where skincare is viewed as a universal self-care practice, breaking down barriers and encouraging open conversations about beauty and well-being. We are proud to be at the forefront of promoting gender inclusivity in the skincare industry and look forward to continuing this journey with our customers.
Together, let’s redefine skincare as a gender-fluid experience that celebrates the diversity of all individuals.
我們深信真正的美麗源自內心,呵護您的皮膚是愛錫自己的基本責任。我們的座右銘 「今天是您昨天擔心的明天」,展現了我們致力於讓您在今天和每一天都愛錫自己肌膚,讓您擁有充滿自信和美麗的決心。
我們的品牌理念,源於兩位品牌創辦人的一個信念,他們認為每個人都應該要抽出時間,從急促繁忙的都市生活中解脫出來; 我們鼓勵您每天花一刻鐘來呵護自己的皮膚,提醒自己是值得被呵護和值得愛惜自己多一些。Halto Major 會在您通往真正美麗和健康的旅程中陪伴您,一同呵護你的肌膚,彷似月亮不論圓月或月缺,卻一直默默守護著地球一樣,默默的呵護你肌膚。
無論您需要片刻的放鬆還是完整的護膚程序,我們都歡迎您加入我們的旅程,探索 HALTO MAJOR 護膚系列產品。是時候好好呵護自己,讓我們成為您這段旅程中的最佳夥伴。
「今天就是你昨天擔心的明天」內含意思反映了活在當下的重要性。 通常,人們會花很多時間擔心未來和不必要的事情,無論是關於他們的職業、人際關係、愛情還是健康…… 然而,當明天終於到來時,許多人才意識到他們浪費了許多寶貴的時間和精神來擔心和放大一些根本可能沒有發生的事情; 一生人當中時間是有限的,我們應該充分利用每一天,鼓勵人們專注於他們今天可以做些什麼來創造更美好的明天,而不是擔心未來可能發生或不可能發生的事情, 活在當下,充分利用今天,我們可以為自己和周圍的人創造更美好的明天。
在 HALTO MAJOR,我們的護膚品牌秉承這一理念。 我們相信,照顧好您的皮膚和保健至關重要,而且應該保持每日這樣做的習慣很重要。 我們的座右銘希望能提醒我們的客戶,他們今天採取的行動將改變他們的皮膚健康,並且開始護膚習慣是有必要的。
通過專注於當下並每天採取小步驟,您絕對可以實現您的護膚目標,並對自己的皮膚感到自信和美麗。 我們希望激勵人們在日常護膚以及生活的方方面面都接受「今天就是你昨天擔心的明天」的理念。